As mentioned before, I have my reasons for this publication. The cause of which is that the ancient science of nature is based on subjective rather than objective observation, the latter of which is customary in (classical) western science. Deduction of a theory like this is definitely considered impossible nowadays. In fact, subjective observation is by definition excluded by Western physics as the basis of a scientific method making me and my study as 'crying in the desert'. But that is not my only problem: My problem also is the paradigm shift that this theory will almost certainly cause in contemporary physics. Most Western physicists are not really hungry for this, so publication of my book on a small scale or even on my own would leave the theory for obliviation. That would be a terrible waste. In my vision, the eastern theory, the so called Theory of the Elements, and western physics cannot only coexist without problems, but will also certainly complement and strengthen each other. This is mainly because the Theory of the Elements is not a doctrine of kinetics (dynamics / mechanics), as is current western physics, but a theory for self-organization. Natural science as a science of kinetics is more pragmatic/technical/industrial while natural science as a theory of self-organization is more philosophical/medical/astronomical.
Consequently I will publish my theory in order to prove the fact that subjective observation can be scientific. Personal factors like inner feelings, preferences, perspectives, timeliness, and so on, turn out to play an important role. Prerequisite is, however, that the correct rules are applied. They turn out to be quite simple, however, because they are defined within a frame of reference (see §4.4).
On this website, the reader can learn how the ancient natural theory of the Chinese has arisen in a way that is scientifically acceptable to Western eyes. This way I hope to achieve acknowledgement in scientific circles and (medical) professional groups, in order to gain broad scientific support for the recognition of science based on subjective observation. Only then, hopefully, there is a chance that a scientific publisher will be willing to publish my book. With its publication, it will become clear which conditions subjective perception must satisfy, and which currently unexplained phenomena of nature and the universe can be explained by it.
Moreover, I would like to wish the reader a lot of reading pleasure. But before going to the THEORY, where an important part of the reconstruction of the theory of the Elements is described, I would like to give the reader to learn the main Western conditions such a theory must meet. On the other hand, it is important to know what is relevant in Chinese literature about the basis of this old natural theory. In fact, a more or less schematic overview can suffice for this.