Erik Verlinde

Erik Verlinde (1962), professor of theoretical physics in Amsterdam, is currently engaged in pioneering research in the field of an abstract tissue, the dark universe, as the basis for 3D space with a constant time. It is, in fact, similar to the abstract spacetime or the earlier world, treated in the previous chapters, but in a completely new way. With his research, Verlinde therefore meets Einstein's afore-mentioned statement; hence this addendum.

On November 8, 2016, Verlinde published his research on as "Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe".A detailed Dutch summary of it can be found at Quantum Universe.

Note 43 Quantum Universe is an initiative of the Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics, the umbrella institute for theoretical physics at the universities of Amsterdam, Leiden and Utrecht.

By Verlindes research I finally hope to solidly found the old theory of the Sphere Observer with its sensitivity hypothesis in such a way, that western science can no longer ignore it and will have to open up to its scientific value.

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6.2 Two previously discovered phenomena
