Thanks to mathematics, Western physics was able to incorporate the abstract reality of the earlier world into the later world, but at a price, too high in my opinion. It makes Western physics much less transparent and often very notty. This does not only apply to outsiders, but also to its own scientists, as becomes apparent, for example, by the fact that the ether theory was abandoned under the influence of Einstein's Special theory, but that this was not officially confirmed on the basis of his thought experiments alone. That only happened in 1920, as described below.
The worst thing, however, is that, because of its paradigm, Western physics conceals a reality that is probably even more beautiful, magnificent and easier to understand than the world it has now discovered on the basis of Einstein's theory of relativity and its corollary quantum mechanics. This as well can be concluded from the mysteries surrounding the abandonment of the ether theory. This requires some explanation.
The existence of 'ether' was, as mentioned earlier, accepted in the 19th century as a supporting medium to explain the propagation of light and other electromagnetic radiation in (empty) three-dimensional space. It was a very controversial theory, which has been proved redundant since Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. But then, that was unofficial. Officially, Prof. dr. Lorentz continued perfecting the ether theory for a long time, and it wasn't before the publication of his General Theory of Relativity (1915) before Einstein could relate the deflection of light around large celestial bodies to the curvature of spacetime. This was a step in the right direction, but apparently not enough to abandon the ether theory. Only five years later, in his inaugural speech at the University of Leiden on the 27th of October 1920,  Einstein officially declared that his General Theory of Relativity should be seen as an ether theory without particles.
At this time, Einstein's authority had become of such a nature, that he could simply ordain things. But scientifically this was, of course, an impossible statement: an ether theory without particles! What can the ether theory based on, if not on particles? Maybe on the curvature of spacetime?
The answer is no! The curvature of spacetime in the immediate vicinity of celestial bodies, does not make it a carrier medium for EM waves: Recall non-curved Minkowski spacetime as the earlier world of intergalactic space. The only correct answer to the question is that the ether theory could be abandoned because of the constant production of two-dimensional spacetime shells by the celestial bodies, as assumed by the Sphere Observer, and possibly confirmed by Einstein with his bizarre discovery. As a result, 3D space is so completely interspersed by them, that EM waves can propagate in all directions of the universe. The invisible two-dimensional spacetime shells therefore, are pre-eminently a carrier medium for EM waves. Therefore one can interpret the abandonment of the ether theory as proof of the existence of the abstract 2D spacetime shells, a.k.a. the earlier world of the Sphere Observer. In my opinion, the existence of this earlier world also provides the answer to the most important question in current physics, which Vincent Icke formulated as: "How does the Sun's matter relate to the space around it that it must be curved?"
Although leaving the ether theory is extremely important, it is not the only evidence of the existence of spacetime shells. Despite the fact that their size is generally very different, these shells can be understood as the smallest units, and therefore as the quanta, of spacetime.
NB. 43 In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity (physical property) involved in an interaction.
This may explain the relation between Einstein's theory of relativity and the development of Western quantum mechanics. I will get back to this in the addendum to this website.
The fact that Minkowski's 4D spacetime, with time as the 4th dimension, is neither consistent with the 3D space with constant time of Newton mechanics, nor with the ether theory, is actually not really important. After all, this is being mathematically corrected. The only thing that mattered was the underlying objective: The ostensible integration of 2D spacetime in Western physics. This has been achieved successfully. For the rest it is only a formality observed in the 20s  because of the paradigm of Western physics. A hundred years later, it would to nice to reconsider once again to what extent the 'struggles' of Einstein and his companions relate to what I think Einstein discovered in 1905, viz: The earlier world with its shell structure. Especially in those times, the discovery must have been horrible: The survival of Western physics was at stake! But despite all the efforts to conceal it, the truth about the earlier world must be disclosed. How Western physics would now be able to accept this, is evident from the Λ-CDM model, and is discussed as well in the addendum.

Hopefully, by Chapter 5 and the abandonment of the ether theory, I have been able to give abstract 2D reality - and indirectly inner perception as a subjective scientific sense - a place in current physics. Maybe I have even been able to motivate the most discerning western scientists, to help me publish my book.

The one’s who feel a dilemma here, may well be helped by Einstein's famous statement that applies to the relativization of the course of time, making it dependent on the selected observer:

  "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them".*

This only results in bogus solutions as e.g. relativizing one's own course of time and Minkowski spacetime. It doesn't make Western physics transparent, as will be clear by now, at least if you are not a physicist.

Continue to: Chapter 6. ADDENDUM, 6.1. Research Erik Verlinde
