Approaching the afore-mentioned paradox from line AB (see repetition), implies in fact that we’re dealing with the production of an infinite number of infinitely thin and invisible surfaces of a any (celestial) body, each containing a single consecutive atom of time.

So we’re talking about the production of an infinite number of spherical or two-dimensional spacetime shells in which space and time are equivalent: Therefore, each spacetime shell has 2 dimensions of space and 2 dimensions of time. Although spacetime shells are different in size, they are the smallest units of spacetime.
Note 29 In western physics, a dimension is defined as a measurable quantity that can not be resolved in a combination of other quantities. Cosmologically: one-dimensional (1D) is a point or a line; two-dimensional (2D) e.g. the surface of a sphere; and three-dimensional (3D) e.g. the contents of a sphere. Measurable, for that matter, always implies spacial reference. The surface of a sphere is therefore calculated in western physics as if it were a plane. In spacetime reference, the surface of a sphere cannot be measured.
The Sphere Observer uses the term 'dimension' in a cosmological way as well, but to him, that quantity is not measurable. This follows from his using the term 'dimension', in respect to the above, in spacetime reference. This means that he will interpret any flat surface as the face of a sphere: Dimensions are therefore always more or less curved.
Provided that the production of 2D shells of spacetime by (celestial) bodies is correct - the probability of which can only be proven later – i think it is logical to assume that this production implies that the uncountable number of (celestial) bodies themselves are also made up of 2D spacetime shells. (Their structure must allow the production of course.) For the time being therefore, we have to assume that the world as we know it is based entirely on an invisible conglomerate of these 2D shells, or atoms of spacetime, which can behave in both a spacelike and a timelike way. This appears to be an abstract, two-dimensional, discontinuous spacetime, which constitutes the underlying tissue of the observable 3D space and its constant time. I therefore assume that this is the origin of the Eastern idea described on the INTRODUCTION page. The idea, that the 'world' must be split into an (abstract) EARLIER WORLD and a (observable, concrete) LATER WORLD.
The only 'concrete thing' in this abstract 'earlier world' is line AB in the graph. After all, this line belongs to both the earlier world and the later world because it describes the trajectory of a body, such as the Sun, a planet or a living being. Because line AB in the earlier world is the middle of the spacelike and the timelike spacetimes, and therefore the middle of a paired opposite, it can be equated with the 'proverbial hill' in the characters of Yang and Yin. The line AB therefore represents the verity of the earlier world in the later world. And because it not only describes the trajectories of celestial bodies, but of animals and plants as well, one could call them movements of life, paths of life, or courses of life. It is therefore obvious that these pathways play an important role in the Theory of the Elements. It probably also means that they are equivalent to the WORLDLINES in modern Western physics.
Note 30 The worldline is an important concept in Einstein's Theories of Relativity. It describes the path of an object in spacetime in an abstract way. The concept of a "worldline" is distinguished from concepts such as an "orbit" or a "trajectory" (e.g., a planet's orbit in space or the trajectory of a car on a road) by the time dimension, and typically encompasses a large area of spacetime wherein perceptually straight paths are recalculated to show their (relatively) more absolute position states—to reveal the nature of special relativity or gravitational interactions. (
Summarizing: According to the Sphere Observer, spacelike and timelike spacetime form the basis of all paired opposites in the LATER WORLD, while the course of life of all (celestial) bodies being the only reality there.
Continue to: 4.4 Conclusion and its consequences