Since this consciousness of time is the only thing we people notice of this terrestrial resistance - the rotation of the earth and the inclination of its axis of rotation are hardly tangible - it is likely that this internal mechanism is emanate from the existence of time. In this case, the existence of (earth) time should be regarded as the ultimate manifestation of resistance by the earth to all changes in velocity imposed on it by the spacial movement of the Sun.
Time, in this case, can be regarded as the counterpart of space.
Note 27 In the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, the most fundamental work on acupuncture, is discussed in a similar manner: "command of the heavens and answer of the earth." This could point out the fact that the Sphere Observers of ancient times were indeed reasoning this way.
The Sphere Observer, who had previously regarded time as constant, and the space as three-dimensional (3D), now realizes that the relationship between space and time could in fact be very different. The consequence of his "resistance hypothesis" is that the Earth's time must be able to slow down and accelerate in such a way that the changes in speed are neutralized. After all, when the earth’s velocity in space increases by two while its internal time slows down by half (one hour becomes twice as long), Earth remains moving uniformly. This subsequently applies to everything growing and living on it as well. This way the earth's time is, as it were, a reflection of its speed changes in space.
Practically this means that when a body like Earth is moving from A to B, it can arbitrarily accelerate and decelerate between A and B in both the temporal and spacial references.
As a result, the (celestial) body draws a graph of its own velocity changes in spacial reference at the top of the image. The body's internal time accelerates and decelerates between A and B in exactly the opposite way, creating a mirrored graph of the velocity changes in temporal reference, bottom of the picture.

The resultant of both graphs is line A-B, in which all velocity changes in both references have been neutralized and the (celestial) body perceives its own motion as uniform.
Continue to: 4.3. The paradox of spacetime