The only way the Sphere Observer can include subjective sense into his science, is to assume that the Earth feels the same things as he himself. (Again, an axiom.) Therefore he has to assume that the Earth moves uniformly in its own perception as well. In that case, there has to be an internal mechanism by which the Earth can neutralize all accelerations and decelerations imposed on it by the Sun’s accelerated motion.
Since motion has two components - speed and direction - the Earth has to neutralize both of them in order to get a uniform motion. Western science would choose a coordinate system, but such a coordinate system is not relevant here, because the accelerated motion of the Sun is actually an assumption based on the wobbling arc of the Sun. So the Earth simply has to neutralize what the Sphere Observer had to assume: the accelerated motion of the Sun.
Based on western data, as described in Note 11 (§2.4.), it is tempting to assume that the Earth neutralizes the accelerated solar motion by rotating, and by the inclination of its axis of rotation. You can interpret these properties of the Earth as earth’s resistance to the accelerations imposed on it by the spacial motion of the Sun. And because the rotation and the inclination of the Earth cause days and seasons, one can conceive all time intervals - and by that the realization of time – to be the direct result of this resistance by earth.
Note 26: Thus, the resistance hypothesis for sense is another important axiom in the old theory.
Continue to: 4.2. Another relationship between space and time