The hybridity of the earth’s motion, as illustrated in the illustration, is therefore the utter condition for the ability of subjective scientific observing.
This premise, however, means that the theory of the Sphere Observer starts with a 'sensitivity hypothesis'. For his theory, this is actually equivalent to what the previously described projection hypothesis is for the western theory of motion by Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727), the Newtonian laws of motion.
I can imagine the reader, and especially the one schooled in physics, having trouble with a sensitivity hypothesis as the starting point of a physical theory, I will definitely elaborate on that later. In advance, however, it can be established that accepting sensitivity (subjectivity) in a physical science is the most natural way of explaining the coexistence of the two types of motion. That's the reality of hybrid motions like the Earth's one.
Above all, however, keep in mind that the 'sensitivity hypothesis' aims at optimal subjective observation - while the projection hypothesis intends maximal objective observation.
In the case of the Sphere Observer we’re dealing with an oriental science which - as I hope to be able to make clear - is as scientific as contemporary western science.
The biggest difference between west and east is that the formal part of western science is based on logic and mathematics, while in eastern science it is based on logic and schematism.
This schematism starts with the processing of the helix into the frame of reference.
Continue to: 2.5.3. Processing of the helix into the reference frame