The background of the CAM is briefly as follows:
A natural science must be based on highly reliable and therefore scientific observation. This means that observers in scientific research should limit themselves to hard facts, and should not be influenced by their own feelings, prejudices or other personal matters. According to (classical) western understanding, this means that they should observe objectively and absolutely not subjectively.
In fact, observers must be abstracted from all events they observe.
As everything in the universe is in motion, being abstracted in physics requires observers to be motionless.
Only then can they be bodies of reference, as it is called in technical lingo.
Projection hypothesis
So, because of the universality of motion, scientists by definition cannot function as reference bodies. Western physicists therefore assume that they do observe and measure in a scientifical way, if they project their own motions on the event to be observed: the projection hypothesis
Note 1 According to Karl Popper (1902-1994), science requires the assumption of a theoretical hypothesis, which researchers subsequently try to refute. Such an hypothesis can only be corroborated or supported, but will never reach the level of absolute knowledge through observation alone. Thus, gaining certain knowledge from observation (empiricism), is out of the question.
In western physics, this projection is carried out using a coordinate system, in which the different directions of motions can be processed. The so obtained pseudo-stationary state, makes scientists, according to western physics, sufficiently abstracted from all moving things they observe.
In fact, the projection hypothesis is the first axiom or postulate of western science.
Note 2 An axiom or postulate in mathematics and logic, is a proofless, but as maxim accepted statement . A collection of axioms is therefore the smallest possible set of assumptions that allow a theory to be possible.
Therefore, the projection hypothesis does not make western scientists motionless, so their perception may still be coloured or subjective.
In addition to the projection hypothesis, additional conditions are required to maximize objectivity of observation. I inferred that the CAM describes the ultimate rules of the game. Western science is therefore a science based on optimal objective observation. Subjectivity is therefore taboo in science.
Continue to: 1.2.2. Backgrounds of the CCM and ASM science models